čtvrtek 27. června 2013

Motivational Movies

This my favourite selection of motivations speech, scenes and music.

 Just watch it...

Hello and welcome,

I  guess that sometimes everyone of us has little problem deep inside themselves. I think that everyone of us try to find solution for it but it is really hard sometimes.

But scientists say that way is try to get out of real life for a moment recharge there and come back as new people with new power.

But how we can get to the imagine world ?

Maybe dreaming is way but many of us cant control it... So scientists say that perfect way is movie which can wake up in your feelings...

Not a simple movies but movies base on true story or with great story near to real...

Now in the South Africa many people there pray for Nelson Mandela... I am not from there but I know that Nelson Mandela one of real hero which need help...

I help him yesterday by thought about him which helps me create movie 



Its first motivational movie which I have to recommend to you... And please just for a moment think about real Nelson Mandela and help him by your mind...

Because mind the most powerfull weapon of World.

 By the way human brain is functional only of 10 percent  and rest 90 percent, well we just dont know...

Official trailer

Inspired by true story and autobiographical of Nelson Mandela 

As a Nelson Mandela, Morgan Freeman 

Second movie its again by true story and if you like Will Smith you will be totally out of real world.

 Let me introduce movie 

Pursuit of Happiness

 Official trailer

Third movies is about unbelievable story. 

Movie Shawshank Redemption. 

I can just about this movie said that main hero of movie never lost  the hope...

Official trailer

Fourth movie and last because I want to create another post about motivational movies mainly about six movies of Rocky.... 

Well it is

Forest Gump with amazing music, story, actors, etc.

Official trailer

Well, it is my favorite four movies related with motivations and tickets from the real world to the world where I can again recharge me. Please try it and find your Fantastic Four and you cant never fail...

In the end I  want to say that many of these films have many awards like a Oscar etc.
But i think that its not so important so I public this information in the end.

Enjoy it . M.J.

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